
The inspect inspection property can be queried to list a textual summary of all the transactions currently pending for inclusion in the next block(s), as well as the ones that are being scheduled for future execution only. This is a method specifically tailored to developers to quickly see the transactions in the pool and find any potential issues.


  • none


The result is an object with two fields pending and queued. Each of these fields are associative arrays, in which each entry maps an origin-address to a batch of scheduled transactions. These batches themselves are maps associating nonces with transactions summary strings.



curl https://moonbeam.blastapi.io/<project-id>
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"method":"txpool_inspect", "params":[],"id":1,"jsonrpc":"2.0"}'


    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "result": {
        "pending": {
            "0xa8ed0247b8f19d9c929f3af451529f78e4733d7f": {
                "0x7ac": "0xb1731c586ca89a23809861c6103f0b96b3f57d92: 0 wei + 350000 gas x 291650757820 wei"
            "0x7d0a5d9596337ffceff4ae3d68d51c8cf91f0123": {
                "0x149": "0x83d3f4769a19f1b43337888b0290f5473cf508b2: 0 wei + 197247 gas x 202500000000 wei"
            "0xe475c9d108bf71f409e6c62c24ac3088d3de9c19": {
                "0xcec3": "0xcdcd7b992b2b038d21924cce67ca45c45caa4a1c: 0 wei + 8000000 gas x 100000000000 wei"
            "0xd08dea2397ef6cfa84a8b05254efce19211d0c11": {
                "0x43": "0xe6d0ed3759709b743707dcfecae39bc180c981fe: 0 wei + 410459 gas x 256578451392 wei"
            "0x432f87be77fffe8ee917e628e3148e904c6de067": {
                "0x21b": "0xe6d0ed3759709b743707dcfecae39bc180c981fe: 0 wei + 452874 gas x 111410000000 wei"
        "queued": {}
    "id": 1

Last updated