
Returns a list of transactions available on the blockchain. Maximum size of 50 is allowed when activating flags withScResults, withOperation or withLogs


  • from OPTIONAL (string) - Number of items to skip for the result set

  • sizeOPTIONAL (string) - Number of items to retrieve

  • sender OPTIONAL : (string) - Address of the transaction sender

  • receiver OPTIONAL : (string) - Address of the transaction receiver

  • token OPTIONAL(string) - The token identifier (example: WEGLD-bd4d79)

  • senderShard OPTIONAL : (number) - Id of the shard the sender address belongs to

  • receiverShard OPTIONAL : (number) - Id of the shard the receiver address belongs to

  • miniBlockHash OPTIONAL : (string) - Filter by miniblock hash

  • hashes OPTIONAL : (array[string]) - Filter by a comma-separated list of transaction hashes

  • status OPTIONAL : (string) - Status of the transaction (success / pending / invalid / fail)

  • search OPTIONAL : (string) - Search in data object

  • function : (string) - Filter transactions by function name

  • condition DEPRECATED (string) - Condition for elastic search queries

  • before OPTIONAL : (number) - Before timestamp

  • after OPTIONAL : (number) - After timestamp

  • order OPTIONAL : (string) - Sort order (asc/desc)

  • withScResults OPTIONAL : (boolean) - Return scResults for transactions

  • withOperations OPTIONAL : (boolean) - Return operations for transactions

  • withLogs OPTIONAL : (boolean) - Return logs for transactions

  • withScamInfo REQUIRED : (boolean)


  • txHash : (string) - The hash of the transaction

  • gasLimit : (number) - The maximum number of gas units allocated for the transaction

  • gasPrice : (number) - The gas price to be used in the scope of the transaction

  • gasUsed : (number) - Is the consumed amount from the provided gas limit - the amount of gas units actually required by the Network in order to process the transaction

  • miniBlockHash : (string) - Contains all transactions that have either the sender in the current shard and the receiver in another shard or the sender in a different shard and the destination in the current shard

  • nonce: (number) - The account sequence number

  • receiver: (string) - The address of the receiver (bech32 format)

  • receiverAssets: (object)

  • receiverShard : (number) - The shard ID allocated to the receiver

  • round: (number) - fixed time duration, consistent across the network, currently decided to be 5 seconds

  • sender : (string) - The address of the sender (bech32 format)

  • senderAssets : (object)

  • senderShard : (number) - The shard ID allocated to the sender

  • signature : (string)- The Signature (hex-encoded) of the Transaction

  • status : (string) - Transaction status (success or executed, invalid, pending, partially-executed, received, failed)

  • value : (string) - The Value to transfer, as a string representation of a Big Integer (can be "0"), EGLD times denomination

  • fee : (string) - Measured in EGLD, is computed with respect to the actual gas cost - broken down into its components - and the gas price per gas unit, which differs between the components

  • timestamp : (number) - u64 forma

  • data : (string) - Arbitrary information about the transaction, base64-encoded

  • function: (string)

  • action: (object)

    • category: (string)

    • name : (string)

    • description: (string)

    • arguments: (object)

  • scamInfo: (object)

    • type: (string)

    • info: (sgtring)

  • type : (string)

  • originalTxHash : (string)

  • pendingResults : (boolean)



curl -X 'GET' \
  'https://elrond-api.public.blastapi.io/transactions?token=WEGLD-bd4d79&miniBlockHash=70bbf7b55b7a25d72daeefd4f8d80844c4415792a5a164d65cfdeb27a7d89b7f&withOperations=true&withScamInfo=true' \
  -H 'accept: application/json'


    "txHash": "39898034e9bc55f1c4aa77a1d0fd23ae9d8550d26bcd0f5d35d16c916cf0c42f",
    "gasLimit": 4200000,
    "gasPrice": 1000000000,
    "gasUsed": 2259390,
    "miniBlockHash": "70bbf7b55b7a25d72daeefd4f8d80844c4415792a5a164d65cfdeb27a7d89b7f",
    "nonce": 664,
    "receiver": "erd1qqqqqqqqqqqqqpgqhe8t5jewej70zupmh44jurgn29psua5l2jps3ntjj3",
    "receiverAssets": {
      "name": "ESDT: WrappedEGLD Contract Shard 1",
      "tags": [
    "receiverShard": 1,
    "round": 10958908,
    "sender": "erd1te7tsja33s33dtgyga29m7jv6h7wuln96ptfjuu5gw0z2cvjgx6sn8qutd",
    "senderShard": 1,
    "signature": "d50cc7121f93c28b566ce604221f1f3cd6cfc177dbecce97716a9f03eb0cdd4b5473ce094cef02ad995e75f6718627d3aae4e4b0e5bbfaf27d6b8d279cd64e05",
    "status": "success",
    "value": "0",
    "fee": "183468900000000",
    "timestamp": 1661871048,
    "function": "unwrapEgld",
    "action": {
      "category": "mex",
      "name": "unwrapEgld",
      "description": "Unwrap 8.896759084222744645 WEGLD",
      "arguments": {
        "transfers": [
            "type": "FungibleESDT",
            "name": "WrappedEGLD",
            "ticker": "WEGLD",
            "svgUrl": "https://media.elrond.com/tokens/asset/WEGLD-bd4d79/logo.svg",
            "token": "WEGLD-bd4d79",
            "decimals": 18,
            "value": "8896759084222744645"
        "receiver": "erd1qqqqqqqqqqqqqpgqhe8t5jewej70zupmh44jurgn29psua5l2jps3ntjj3",
        "functionName": "unwrapEgld",
        "receiverAssets": {
          "name": "ESDT: WrappedEGLD Contract Shard 1",
          "tags": [
    "operations": [
        "id": "39898034e9bc55f1c4aa77a1d0fd23ae9d8550d26bcd0f5d35d16c916cf0c42f",
        "action": "transfer",
        "type": "esdt",
        "esdtType": "FungibleESDT",
        "identifier": "WEGLD-bd4d79",
        "name": "WrappedEGLD",
        "sender": "erd1te7tsja33s33dtgyga29m7jv6h7wuln96ptfjuu5gw0z2cvjgx6sn8qutd",
        "receiver": "erd1qqqqqqqqqqqqqpgqhe8t5jewej70zupmh44jurgn29psua5l2jps3ntjj3",
        "value": "8896759084222744645",
        "decimals": 18,
        "svgUrl": "https://media.elrond.com/tokens/asset/WEGLD-bd4d79/logo.svg"
        "id": "39898034e9bc55f1c4aa77a1d0fd23ae9d8550d26bcd0f5d35d16c916cf0c42f",
        "action": "localBurn",
        "type": "esdt",
        "esdtType": "FungibleESDT",
        "identifier": "WEGLD-bd4d79",
        "name": "WrappedEGLD",
        "sender": "erd1qqqqqqqqqqqqqpgqhe8t5jewej70zupmh44jurgn29psua5l2jps3ntjj3",
        "receiver": "erd1qqqqqqqqqqqqqpgqhe8t5jewej70zupmh44jurgn29psua5l2jps3ntjj3",
        "value": "8896759084222744645",
        "decimals": 18,
        "svgUrl": "https://media.elrond.com/tokens/asset/WEGLD-bd4d79/logo.svg"
        "id": "39898034e9bc55f1c4aa77a1d0fd23ae9d8550d26bcd0f5d35d16c916cf0c42f",
        "action": "transfer",
        "type": "egld",
        "sender": "erd1qqqqqqqqqqqqqpgqhe8t5jewej70zupmh44jurgn29psua5l2jps3ntjj3",
        "receiver": "erd1te7tsja33s33dtgyga29m7jv6h7wuln96ptfjuu5gw0z2cvjgx6sn8qutd",
        "value": "8896759084222744645"
    "txHash": "982fe2a0f6b7aaeb37ea630c054aeb11e44209845e6999941563d8084f29b15c",
    "gasLimit": 4200000,
    "gasPrice": 1000000000,
    "gasUsed": 2256290,
    "miniBlockHash": "70bbf7b55b7a25d72daeefd4f8d80844c4415792a5a164d65cfdeb27a7d89b7f",
    "nonce": 382,
    "receiver": "erd1qqqqqqqqqqqqqpgqhe8t5jewej70zupmh44jurgn29psua5l2jps3ntjj3",
    "receiverAssets": {
      "name": "ESDT: WrappedEGLD Contract Shard 1",
      "tags": [
    "receiverShard": 1,
    "round": 10958908,
    "sender": "erd1vartumhp0p87r2kj65ewrmrhf8js83f9rwsas4ftpfzpk0dsrfxsjsc253",
    "senderShard": 1,
    "signature": "a8a36943673e75f36b171a48966ed3ea12c2052b1a7c06ef37525473c28e615f341a8ec1ec068443d660e3cf48436bdc795cac950b2e95f972a17c03733dc109",
    "status": "success",
    "value": "0",
    "fee": "180467900000000",
    "timestamp": 1661871048,
    "function": "unwrapEgld",
    "action": {
      "category": "mex",
      "name": "unwrapEgld",
      "description": "Unwrap 0.001767920755414245 WEGLD",
      "arguments": {
        "transfers": [
            "type": "FungibleESDT",
            "name": "WrappedEGLD",
            "ticker": "WEGLD",
            "svgUrl": "https://media.elrond.com/tokens/asset/WEGLD-bd4d79/logo.svg",
            "token": "WEGLD-bd4d79",
            "decimals": 18,
            "value": "1767920755414245"
        "receiver": "erd1qqqqqqqqqqqqqpgqhe8t5jewej70zupmh44jurgn29psua5l2jps3ntjj3",
        "functionName": "unwrapEgld",
        "receiverAssets": {
          "name": "ESDT: WrappedEGLD Contract Shard 1",
          "tags": [
    "operations": [
        "id": "982fe2a0f6b7aaeb37ea630c054aeb11e44209845e6999941563d8084f29b15c",
        "action": "transfer",
        "type": "esdt",
        "esdtType": "FungibleESDT",
        "identifier": "WEGLD-bd4d79",
        "name": "WrappedEGLD",
        "sender": "erd1vartumhp0p87r2kj65ewrmrhf8js83f9rwsas4ftpfzpk0dsrfxsjsc253",
        "receiver": "erd1qqqqqqqqqqqqqpgqhe8t5jewej70zupmh44jurgn29psua5l2jps3ntjj3",
        "value": "1767920755414245",
        "decimals": 18,
        "svgUrl": "https://media.elrond.com/tokens/asset/WEGLD-bd4d79/logo.svg"
        "id": "982fe2a0f6b7aaeb37ea630c054aeb11e44209845e6999941563d8084f29b15c",
        "action": "localBurn",
        "type": "esdt",
        "esdtType": "FungibleESDT",
        "identifier": "WEGLD-bd4d79",
        "name": "WrappedEGLD",
        "sender": "erd1qqqqqqqqqqqqqpgqhe8t5jewej70zupmh44jurgn29psua5l2jps3ntjj3",
        "receiver": "erd1qqqqqqqqqqqqqpgqhe8t5jewej70zupmh44jurgn29psua5l2jps3ntjj3",
        "value": "1767920755414245",
        "decimals": 18,
        "svgUrl": "https://media.elrond.com/tokens/asset/WEGLD-bd4d79/logo.svg"
        "id": "982fe2a0f6b7aaeb37ea630c054aeb11e44209845e6999941563d8084f29b15c",
        "action": "transfer",
        "type": "egld",
        "sender": "erd1qqqqqqqqqqqqqpgqhe8t5jewej70zupmh44jurgn29psua5l2jps3ntjj3",
        "receiver": "erd1vartumhp0p87r2kj65ewrmrhf8js83f9rwsas4ftpfzpk0dsrfxsjsc253",
        "value": "1767920755414245"
Response headers

Last updated