Performance Score Calculation - High Level Description
On this page you will find a high level description of how the performance score is calculated on Blast.
An Active node must achieve a score of 0.7 or higher based on the following 3 factors:
- 50% weight: its own latency scaled up using its own uptime; maximum latency scores are given to latencies of 100ms or less
- 40% weight: its uptime measured by taking into account the returned HTTP status codes
- 10% weight: relative latency of all active nodes in the same blockchain and region; it is divided by the node's latency to compute the actual value
When the score for a node drops below 0.7, the node is Jailed. Latencies are monitored in a window of 2 minutes and the score is updated every minute.
Example 1:
node's latency is 198ms
relative latency of other nodes is 108ms
HTTP status codes of replies are all as expected. Then, the 3 components of the final score will be 0.5 * 0.948 (latency score), 0.4 * 1 (uptime score) and 0.1 * 0.545 (relative latency score).
That sums 0.928
Example 2:
node's latency is 837ms
relative latency of other nodes is 223ms
HTTP status codes of replies are all as expected. Then, the 3 components of the final score will be 0.5 * 0.611 (latency score), 0.4 * 1 (uptime score) and 0.1 * 0.266 (relative latency score).
That sums 0.73
Note that when a node's latency exceeds 500ms it is very likely that it will be jailed by our Integrity Protocol.
Currently, latencies for heavy requests do not influence the performace score. Everything mentioned before applies to light requests only.