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Returns NFT/SFT/MetaESDT collections where the account owns one or more NFTs.


  • address REQUIRED (string) - account bech32 address
  • fromOPTIONAL (string) - number of items to skip for the result set
  • sizeOPTIONAL (string) - number of items to retrieve
  • search OPTIONAL (string) - search by collection identifier
  • typeOPTIONAL (string) - filter by type (NonFungibleESDT/SemiFungibleESDT/MetaESDT)


  • collection : (string) - represents additional information about the NFT or SFT, like picture traits or tags for your NFT/collection. The field should follow a metadata:ipfsCID/fileName.json;tags:tag1,tag2,tag3 format
  • type : (string) - enum [NonFungibleESDT, SemiFungibleESDT, MetaESDT]
  • ticker : (string) - a random string starts with “-” and has 6 more random characters
  • owner : (string) - the owner's address
  • timestamp : (number) - u64 format
  • canFreeze: (boolean) - the token manager may freeze the token balance in a specific account, preventing transfers to and from that account - default value: false
  • canWipe: (boolean) - the token manager may wipe out the tokens held by a frozen account, reducing the supply - default value: false
  • canPause: (boolean) - the token manager may prevent all transactions of the token, apart from minting and burning - default value: false
  • _canTransferNFTCreateRole _ : (boolean) - the addresses with the transfer role can transfer anywhere
  • decimals: (number) - the number of decimals in order to display balance
  • assets :
    • website : (string)
    • description : (string)
    • status : active/inactive
    • pngUrl : (string)
    • svgUrl : (string)
    • lockedAccounts : (array[string])
    • extraTokens : (array[string])
  • roles :
    • address: (string) - account bech32 address
    • canCreate : (boolean) - this role allows one to create
    • canBurn: (boolean) - users may "burn" some of their tokens, reducing the supply - default value: false
    • canAddQuantity : (boolean) - this role allows one to add quantity of a specific SFT
    • canUpdateAttributes : (boolean) - this role allows one to change the attributes of a specific NFT
    • canAddUri : (boolean) - this role allows one add URIs for a specific NFT
    • canTransferRole : (boolean) - this role enables transfer only to specified addresses
    • roles : (array[string]) - the list of the roles
    • count : (number) - the total number of NFT/SFT/MetaESDT where the account is owner

Example Request and Result for /accounts/:address:/collections


curl -X 'GET' \
'' \
-H 'accept: application/json'


"collection": "MSBANANA-24373d",
"type": "SemiFungibleESDT",
"name": "MSBANANA",
"ticker": "MSBANANA-24373d",
"owner": "erd1eql5k67tmu3m08fht2wfxpt0e6rtal98s4sjarsgslvpuymlclqsr5xx38",
"timestamp": 1654171872,
"canFreeze": false,
"canWipe": false,
"canPause": false,
"canTransferNftCreateRole": false,
"count": 1
"collection": "ELPS-c09dd3",
"type": "SemiFungibleESDT",
"name": "ElipseLabs",
"ticker": "ELPS-c09dd3",
"owner": "erd1qqqqqqqqqqqqqpgqhvqtsdq8r0n307rzvt4ynqdz96z4njshj90qh54ug7",
"timestamp": 1652719896,
"canFreeze": false,
"canWipe": false,
"canPause": false,
"canTransferNftCreateRole": false,
"count": 1
"collection": "MEME-6fe129",
"type": "SemiFungibleESDT",
"name": "MemeNFT",
"ticker": "MEME-6fe129",
"owner": "erd1qqqqqqqqqqqqqpgqzuxy0ve8scj6jyl82gzy9m26lmd6m69kg20s5gt357",
"timestamp": 1649801370,
"canFreeze": false,
"canWipe": false,
"canPause": false,
"canTransferNftCreateRole": false,
"count": 1
"collection": "APCXAQUAS-ee4b50",
"type": "SemiFungibleESDT",
"name": "APCxAquaverseSkin",
"ticker": "APCXAQUAS-ee4b50",
"owner": "erd164r3nwkh9xtu2vh9k35mzqp9ckx7h76qquu3rml6gwqca3d98h8qvurfqh",
"timestamp": 1649774244,
"canFreeze": false,
"canWipe": false,
"canPause": false,
"canTransferNftCreateRole": false,
"count": 1
"collection": "APCTICKET-dd6db3",
"type": "SemiFungibleESDT",
"name": "AngryPenguinsTicket",
"ticker": "APCTICKET-dd6db3",
"owner": "erd14takv44utfe9gxad464ay8zh34y0h37mm896qprh4nd9ncvvekgqnlpnzk",
"timestamp": 1648545156,
"canFreeze": false,
"canWipe": false,
"canPause": false,
"canTransferNftCreateRole": false,
"count": 1
"collection": "GUARDIAN-3d6635",
"type": "NonFungibleESDT",
"name": "Aquaverse",
"ticker": "GUARDIAN-3d6635",
"owner": "erd1qqqqqqqqqqqqqpgqw6tq7agu652eh8zv8hcnrwds5hj8xlf3maqshh5pp9",
"timestamp": 1644507360,
"canFreeze": false,
"canWipe": false,
"canPause": false,
"canTransferNftCreateRole": false,
"count": 11
"collection": "MONKSUP-421abc",
"type": "NonFungibleESDT",
"ticker": "MONKSUP-421abc",
"owner": "erd1qqqqqqqqqqqqqpgq6lkgezjyz25txfgwj3dsc37j9apqvl9frn0qwaq7p2",
"timestamp": 1641666348,
"canFreeze": false,
"canWipe": false,
"canPause": false,
"canTransferNftCreateRole": false,
"count": 1
"collection": "PLOTSTREES-39bd27",
"type": "SemiFungibleESDT",
"name": "Plots",
"ticker": "PLOTSTREES-39bd27",
"owner": "erd1ly7q2w6e6dhtryg32fang2wmhx9zqq3tv33jz6m3m3kltmqhkfcq7tftz3",
"timestamp": 1640878254,
"canFreeze": false,
"canWipe": false,
"canPause": false,
"canTransferNftCreateRole": false,
"count": 1
"collection": "AEROCIA-487b5f",
"type": "NonFungibleESDT",
"name": "AEROCYBER",
"ticker": "AEROCIA-487b5f",
"owner": "erd1qqqqqqqqqqqqqpgqqjp7r9e3vvfazl26g7whrf89qq0fjulhyl5sa4pdhh",
"timestamp": 1640213520,
"canFreeze": true,
"canWipe": true,
"canPause": true,
"canTransferNftCreateRole": false,
"count": 1
"collection": "PLATAXMAS-874bd3",
"type": "NonFungibleESDT",
"name": "PlataXMAS",
"ticker": "PLATAXMAS-874bd3",
"owner": "erd1qqqqqqqqqqqqqpgq0g4pxn2tzj3h6uf9dhn5z36rz80n2pzqyl5s3skep7",
"timestamp": 1640103288,
"canFreeze": true,
"canWipe": true,
"canPause": true,
"canTransferNftCreateRole": false,
"count": 1
"collection": "RUDIES-d19c04",
"type": "NonFungibleESDT",
"name": "Rudolph",
"ticker": "RUDIES-d19c04",
"owner": "erd1qqqqqqqqqqqqqpgqm8hg59crhwvnapacat4yk5ky46p3j6fsys5s7fy93v",
"timestamp": 1639695474,
"canFreeze": false,
"canWipe": false,
"canPause": false,
"canTransferNftCreateRole": false,
"count": 1
"collection": "GNOGONS-73222b",
"type": "NonFungibleESDT",
"name": "GNOGONS",
"ticker": "GNOGONS-73222b",
"owner": "erd16uvwvu8egul7s50ypthn6es8h36wfzkwvf98uh2zal5s6vzkqleqvnhkdn",
"timestamp": 1639452270,
"canFreeze": false,
"canWipe": false,
"canPause": false,
"canTransferNftCreateRole": false,
"count": 2
"collection": "BONSTREES-ffac5d",
"type": "SemiFungibleESDT",
"name": "BonsaiTrees",
"ticker": "BONSTREES-ffac5d",
"owner": "erd1ly7q2w6e6dhtryg32fang2wmhx9zqq3tv33jz6m3m3kltmqhkfcq7tftz3",
"timestamp": 1639084914,
"canFreeze": false,
"canWipe": false,
"canPause": false,
"canTransferNftCreateRole": false,
"count": 3
"collection": "PLOTSTREES-1f4889",
"type": "NonFungibleESDT",
"name": "Plots",
"ticker": "PLOTSTREES-1f4889",
"owner": "erd1ly7q2w6e6dhtryg32fang2wmhx9zqq3tv33jz6m3m3kltmqhkfcq7tftz3",
"timestamp": 1638523668,
"canFreeze": false,
"canWipe": false,
"canPause": false,
"canTransferNftCreateRole": false,
"count": 1
"collection": "FIRTREES-2bb2c1",
"type": "SemiFungibleESDT",
"name": "FirTrees",
"ticker": "FIRTREES-2bb2c1",
"owner": "erd1ly7q2w6e6dhtryg32fang2wmhx9zqq3tv33jz6m3m3kltmqhkfcq7tftz3",
"timestamp": 1638003042,
"canFreeze": false,
"canWipe": false,
"canPause": false,
"canTransferNftCreateRole": false,
"count": 2
"collection": "MAIARPUNKS-3db7e8",
"type": "SemiFungibleESDT",
"name": "MaiarPunks",
"ticker": "MAIARPUNKS-3db7e8",
"owner": "erd14edl4fvr8wc2sczrz5af6tfmfucgqzsh4u73hnxw96l07cekdg6schwtsh",
"timestamp": 1636203918,
"canFreeze": false,
"canWipe": false,
"canPause": false,
"canTransferNftCreateRole": false,
"count": 1
"collection": "LKMEX-aab910",
"type": "MetaESDT",
"name": "LockedMEX",
"ticker": "LKMEX",
"owner": "erd1qqqqqqqqqqqqqpgqjpt0qqgsrdhp2xqygpjtfrpwf76f9nvg2jpsg4q7th",
"timestamp": 1636120380,
"canFreeze": false,
"canWipe": false,
"canPause": false,
"canTransferNftCreateRole": false,
"decimals": 18,
"assets": {
"website": "",
"description": "Locked MEX. Equal in value to MEX. Not tradeable.",
"status": "active",
"pngUrl": "",
"svgUrl": ""
"count": 1
"collection": "GNS-4b9bdf",
"type": "NonFungibleESDT",
"name": "Genesis",
"ticker": "GNS-4b9bdf",
"owner": "erd1cgsunxqljr25la89avlpxwudaq32srgmhlrxeh5r9us0decmc7ysxfsplc",
"timestamp": 1634804778,
"canFreeze": false,
"canWipe": false,
"canPause": false,
"canTransferNftCreateRole": false,
"count": 1