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Returns smart contract results where the account is sender or receiver


  • address REQUIRED (string) - Account bech32 address
  • from OPTIONAL (string) - Number of items to skip for the result set
  • size OPTIONAL (string) - Number of items to retrieve


  • hash : (string) - The hash of the transaction
  • timestamp : (number)- u64 format
  • nonce: (number) - The account sequence number
  • gasLimit : (number) - The maximum number of gas units allocated for the transaction
  • gasPrice : (number) - The gas price to be used in the scope of the transaction
  • value : (string) - The Value to transfer, as a string representation of a Big Integer (can be "0"), EGLD times denomination
  • sender : (string) - The address of the sender (bech32 format)
  • senderAssets : (object)
  • receiver: (string) - The address of the receiver (bech32 format)
  • receiverAssets: (object)
  • relayedValue: (number)
  • data : (string) - Arbitrary information about the transaction, base64-encoded
  • prevTxHash : (string) - previous hash of the transaction
  • originalTxHash : (string) - current hash of the transaction
  • callType : (string)
  • miniBlockHash : (string) - Contains all transactions that have either the sender in the current shard and the receiver in another shard or the sender in a different shard and the destination in the current shard
  • Logs : (object{})
    • address : (string)
    • addressAssets : (object{})
    • events : (array[string])
  • returnMessage : (string)
  • action: (object)
    • category: (string)
    • name : (string)
    • description: (string)
    • arguments: (object)



curl -X 'GET' \
'' \
-H 'accept: application/json'


"hash": "e3a34d92ce3ca144f7f1ea066550b46bae2ba8768461f44979509c82d7837fc1",
"timestamp": 1659014154,
"nonce": 0,
"gasLimit": 0,
"gasPrice": 1000000000,
"value": "3500000000000000",
"sender": "erd1qqqqqqqqqqqqqpgqmxxkuqwhxpwerqqs7arn5lv66hkzjp58xkuqzeukhr",
"receiver": "erd12x2q9pm5pv460hxva793ttcls7n97qszrlftq48dqe8ljuntxkuqr8zt32",
"data": "ZmVlcw==",
"prevTxHash": "680790b4c27dd7570f216acbfd3f7ce4930d5fcfd183eee6a76324ff5df492d2",
"originalTxHash": "680790b4c27dd7570f216acbfd3f7ce4930d5fcfd183eee6a76324ff5df492d2",
"callType": "0"
"hash": "e01e106b9783e2033c915062d4392abd3ebea2c7889f835e19c8821505b2cd74",
"timestamp": 1659014058,
"nonce": 0,
"gasLimit": 0,
"gasPrice": 1000000000,
"value": "10500000000000000",
"sender": "erd1qqqqqqqqqqqqqpgqmxxkuqwhxpwerqqs7arn5lv66hkzjp58xkuqzeukhr",
"receiver": "erd12x2q9pm5pv460hxva793ttcls7n97qszrlftq48dqe8ljuntxkuqr8zt32",
"data": "ZmVlcw==",
"prevTxHash": "88061ff8f906e4f5fb8d753245fcb26bab5c5ac9e684ac323063c9ae60935ce6",
"originalTxHash": "88061ff8f906e4f5fb8d753245fcb26bab5c5ac9e684ac323063c9ae60935ce6",
"callType": "0"