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💾 Indexing the Klaytn Network

About Klaytn

According to the official documentation Klaytn is a highly optimised, BFT-based, public blockchain that aims to achieve enterprise-grade reliability employing key design characteristics such immediate finality, high throughput for real-world use cases and lower costs for dApps.

The Klaytn evm-based mainnet, Cypress, was launched in 2019 and it features low gas prices, 1-second block generation and confirmation time as well as 4000 transactions per second.

About this guide

The purpose of this Guide is to take you through all the necessary steps required to set-up a Graph node specifically customised and optimised by the Bware Labs team, for indexing on the Klaytn network.

The documentation is separated in two sections, the first section describing the different options for running an indexer node, wether it is on a bare metal server or within a cloud provider like AWS or GCP, and the latter providing working examples on how to develop, build and query a subgraph.

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