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πŸ’° Blast delegation program


Blast is the premier blockchain API platform for developers. Blast provides a suite of APIs that allow developers to integrate blockchain functionality into their applications and projects efficiently. Our APIs are designed to be easy to use and highly flexible, so you can build the exact solutions you need without any hassle.

Blast relies on blockchain nodes operated by a community of node runners consisting of both enterprise and individual entities all coming together and forming the Blast protocol. Nodes are serving requests on behalf of Blast, and they are rewarded with INFRA tokens in exchange for their service.
Depending on the network they run nodes for and their node performance, protocol participants will benefit from an APY that may vary.

Delegating tokens to the node operators is essential to ensure that INFRA is well-distributed among high-quality node operators in order to support a diverse, secure, decentralized network of blockchain nodes. To accomplish this, Bware Labs has created the Houston Delegation Program to select a cohort of reliable node operators which will be further incentivized to provide top-quality performance within the Blast ecosystem.

Who can join the program?​

We are initially opening the program to our existing node operators from Houston Incentivized Testnet, who are able to meet the requirements below. Keep in mind, that applying for Houston Delegation Program will require a KYC/KYB along with a contract signed by both parties, Bware Labs and each Node Provider.

Delegation breakdown​

Bware Labs intends to delegate 8M INFRA, of its holdings to node operators through Houston Testnet Delegation Program. Furthermore, Bware Labs will encourage delegation from the broader ecosystem of INFRA holders, including founders, investors, employees, public sale purchasers, and community members.

The 8M INFRA delegation pool will be distributed to a number of 177 staking pools with the purpose of filling in the staking soft cap, thus increasing operator revenue for a minimum period of 6 months, starting from the mainnet launch.

Delegation Requirements​

In order to maintain delegation, node operators must meet the following minimums:

1. Hardware requirements according to Bware Labs recommendations;

2. Capped commission rate (maximum 35%);

3. Upgrade nodes in time according to our Release Process and Schedule;

4. Maintain nodes in an ACTIVE state 90% of the time (maximum of 36.5 days in a JAILED state);

Selection Criteria​

Node Operators who meet the following criteria will have a higher likelihood of receiving delegation:

  • Participated and successfully finished Houston Incentivized Testnet;
  • Ranked in the top-100 uptime in the stress test phase of the Incentivized Testnet (2 weeks scheduled in January);
  • Completed one of the following:
    • Operated at least 3 nodes during Houston Incentivized Testnet outside of Europe region; or
    • Operated at least 1 archive node during Houston Incentivized Testnet; or
    • Operated 5+ nodes regardless of the region of the nodes;
  • Commit to project contributions with at least one of the following categories:
  • Technical documentation for one of the chains we support (Monitoring guidelines, How to guidelines, Best practices related to node security).
  • Become a Node Master for one of the chains we support (You will manage the technical side from a community point of view for the chain you decide to master. You will answer technical questions, and you’ll be responsible for improving the way NOC is deploying the node for the specific chain. Discord Admin Channel for the mastered chain).

Eligibility requirementsCriteria Weight
Hardware requirements according to Bware Labs recommendations30
Maintain nodes in an ACTIVE state 90% of the time (maximum of 36.5 days in a JAILED state)40
Upgrade nodes in time according to our Release Process and Schedule18
Capped commission rate (maximum 35%)12
Join Discord Server (Chain Groups)0


Optional CriteriaPoints
Technical contributions: Technical documentation for one of the chains we support (Monitoring guidelines, How to guidelines, Best practices related to node security)35
Community Engagement: Event hosting, awareness campaigns via articles, videos, etc., educational content, social media presence, strategic partnerships, and spreading the word about Blast25
Chain Master50
Running nodes across multiple regions40

Operated at least 3 nodes during Houston Incentivized Testnet outside of Europe region; or

Operated at least 1 archive node during Houston Incentivized Testnet; or

Operated 5+ nodes regardless the region of the nodes;

Ranked in the top-100 uptime in the stress test phase of the Incentivized Testnet (2 weeks scheduled in January)20
Participated and successfully finished Houston Incentivized Testnet30

How to complete the questionnaire​

  • Access: Applicants will have access to the questionnaire via a google link. Log in with your email and start the Questionnaire. Fill out the questionnaire form at your own pace.
  • Save: At any point, you can save your progress by clicking the β€œSave/Submit” button at the bottom of the questionnaire.
  • Submit: Provide your signature at the bottom of the questionnaire and click the blue β€œSave/Submit” button. Please note that you will not be able to edit the questionnaire once it’s submitted.
  • View: You will receive the submitted response via email once your submission is complete

If you have questions about the questionnaire, please contact Craci (Craci | on Discord in #Blast-Delegation-Program.

Program Timeline​

  • Week of Jan 31st, 2023 – The delegation questionnaire will be published for Blast early supporters (all participants from Houston Incentivized Tesnet).
  • Week of Feb 6th, 2023 – Questionnaires must be completed and submitted by 11:59 PM UTC.
  • Week of Feb 13th, 2023 – Selected node providers will receive next steps to confirm delegation. We will request that you publish your commitment on an appointed GitHub repo, which will include your moniker on mainnet, node provider requirement commitments, and network contributions. We will provide more guidance on this post at the appropriate time.
  • Feb 21st, 2022 – Deadline for node operators to post their pledge on GitHub to receive delegation.
  • Mainnet launch – INFRA tokens will be delegated.