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🏠 Introduction: How to Run Specific Blockchain Nodes | Blast API

Short guide on how to run specific blockchain nodes in Blast API for the purpose of participating in our incentivised Testnet as a Node Provider.

Introduction: How to Run Specific Blockchain Nodes

This is a short documentation intro article for running specific blockchain nodes in Blast API. You can use this guide to participate in our Huston Incentivised Testnet, or future Testnets, as a Node Provider on Blast.

After setting up your node, please ensure that it is reachable via RPC and WS or REST from outside your Virtual Machine (i.e your laptop/workstation or any other VM).

For proper onboarding, your node will have to pass various checks and will be continuously monitored during the entire time it is registered and serving requests within Blast.

In order to be able to participate in all Testnet missions, we highly encourage you to also set up monitoring for your nodes. Most of the networks supported by Blast expose metrics in Prometheus format, so leveraging that would be a great idea. The procedure for enabling the metrics endpoint is also described in the Official Documentation for each network.

Another useful tool that you can use is Grafana, which allows you to create your own dashboards based on the metrics the nodes are exposing. You can also set up alerts based on these metrics directly from Grafana or even through Alertmanager, as the integration between these components is seamless.