
Returns a list of all available fungible tokens for a given address, together with their balance.


  • address REQUIRED (string) - account bech32 address

  • from OPTIONAL (number) - the number of items to skip for the result set

  • size OPTIONAL (number) - the number of items to retrieve

  • search OPTIONAL (string) - search by collection identifier

  • name OPTIONAL (string) - search by token name

  • identifier OPTIONAL (string) - search by token identifier

  • identifiers OPTIONAL (array[string]) - a comma-separated list of identifiers to filter by


Object - a list of all available fungible tokens for a given address

  • identifier: (string) - token identifier

  • name: (string) - the username specific for this account

  • ticker: (string) - a random string that starts with “-” and has 6 more random characters

  • owner: (string) - the owner's address

  • decimals: (number) - the number of decimals in order to display balance

  • isPaused: (boolean) - specific property flag for smart contract - default value: false

  • transactions: (number) - transactions of the token

  • accounts: (number) - account address of the token manager

  • canUpgrade: (boolean) - specific property flag for smart contract, the token manager may change these properties - default value: false

  • canMint: (boolean) - more units of this token can be minted by the token manager after initial issuance, increasing the supply - default value false

  • canBurn: (boolean) - users may "burn" some of their tokens, reducing the supply - default value: false

  • canChangeOwner: (boolean) - token management can be transferred to a different account - default value: false

  • canPause: (boolean) - the token manager may prevent all transactions of the token, apart from minting and burning - default value: false

  • canFreeze: (boolean) - the token manager may freeze the token balance in a specific account, preventing transfers to and from that account - default value: false

  • canWipe: (boolean) - the token manager may wipe out the tokens held by a frozen account, reducing the supply - default value: false

  • balance: (number) - account current balance

Example Request and Result for /accounts/{address}/tokens


curl -X 'GET' \
  'https://elrond-api.public.blastapi.io/accounts/erd1xvmata3rkwmp4h4jxr5ngzzq2zm0p2ev6672xvj3mpmvj2zwlttq87uh9q/tokens' \
  -H 'accept: application/json'


    "identifier": "ASTRO-91f2cc",
    "name": "AstroElrond",
    "ticker": "ASTRO-91f2cc",
    "owner": "erd1m83yu75aw6r0vmznpet78jsguww3fuqll0k2rz64saf8e6p3e24s3zrap2",
    "decimals": 18,
    "isPaused": false,
    "transactions": 87,
    "accounts": 62,
    "canUpgrade": true,
    "canMint": true,
    "canBurn": true,
    "canChangeOwner": true,
    "canPause": true,
    "canFreeze": true,
    "canWipe": true,
    "balance": "150000000000000000000"

Last updated