
Returns account details for a given herotag

The /username/{username} is used to obtain the account details for any herotag. The command also performs a redirect on the proper account address, and requires a username. Optionally, users can input a number of skippable items.


  • username REQUIRED (number) - Number of items to skip for the result set


  • address: (string) - Account bech32 address

  • balance: (number) - Account current balance

  • nonce: (number) - Account current nonce

  • shard: (number) - The shard ID allocated to the account

  • rootHash: (string) - The hash of the root node

  • txCount: (number) - The number of transactions performed on this account

  • scrCount: (number) - The number of smart contract results of this account

  • username: (string) - username of the account

  • developerReward: (string) - The developer reward

Example Request and Result for /username/{username}


curl -X 'GET' \
  'https://elrond-api.public.blastapi.io/usernames/Astro' \
  -H 'accept: application/json'


  "address": "erd1ads85m0dnhp4v3re3ldd6qzjn9r07p2pj8ff3h62fh3ja5aw3c0sk7zrlr",
  "balance": "4557269641022959520",
  "nonce": 67,
  "shard": 1,
  "rootHash": "2TxCvh8P0AZQahW5hnOK1WSQarQ0mEgqDqkT5xGPqAU=",
  "txCount": 74,
  "scrCount": 80,
  "username": "astro.elrond",
  "developerReward": "0"

Last updated