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'Read API: Return a checkpoint'

'Read API: Return a checkpoint'


  • id : <CheckpointId> - Checkpoint identifier, can use either checkpoint digest, or checkpoint sequence number as input.


Checkpoint : <Checkpoint>

  • checkpointCommitments : <[CheckpointCommitment]> - Commitments to checkpoint state
  • digest : <[CheckpointDigest]> - Checkpoint digest
  • endOfEpochData : <[EndOfEpochData]> - Present only on the final checkpoint of the epoch.
  • epoch : <[BigInt_for_uint64]> - Checkpoint's epoch ID
  • epochRollingGasCostSummary : <[GasCostSummary]> - The running total gas costs of all transactions included in the current epoch so far until this checkpoint.
  • networkTotalTransactions : <[BigInt_for_uint64]> - Total number of transactions committed since genesis, including those in this checkpoint.
  • previousDigest : <[CheckpointDigest]> - Digest of the previous checkpoint
  • sequenceNumber : <[BigInt_for_uint64]> - Checkpoint sequence number
  • timestampMs : <[BigInt_for_uint64]> - Timestamp of the checkpoint - number of milliseconds from the Unix epoch Checkpoint timestamps are monotonic, but not strongly monotonic - subsequent checkpoints can have same timestamp if they originate from the same underlining consensus commit
  • transactions : <[TransactionDigest]> - Transaction digests
  • validatorSignature : <[Base64]> - Validator Signature

Example Request and Result for sui_getCheckpoint


--location --request POST '<project-id>' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"id": 1,
"method": "sui_getCheckpoint",
"params": [


"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"result": {
"epoch": "0",
"sequenceNumber": "1000",
"digest": "KnaBuUZnZKCjUsPG7TeGGpandkANuiKsHbTEj6qQxLU",
"networkTotalTransactions": "1001",
"previousDigest": "7hEw2WREyJ47CL2cVThgKTxKTRt1hYt1mecWAryiTDHf",
"epochRollingGasCostSummary": {
"computationCost": "0",
"storageCost": "0",
"storageRebate": "0",
"nonRefundableStorageFee": "0"
"timestampMs": "1680013033290",
"transactions": ["J1nKGVFtwABf3xXjnC8opExsDWjgtUsnr3m6snzULSnx"],
"checkpointCommitments": [],
"validatorSignature": "oi3SWe8jCZxjVco0RmEbsOrsbFyzV5hEJo1gk2315xipq2kbCuZ2COoWKoPX52+k"
"id": 1