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Transaction Builder API: Create an unsigned transaction to send SUI coin object to a Sui address. The SUI object is also used as the gas object.

Transaction Builder API: Create an unsigned transaction to send SUI coin object to a Sui address. The SUI object is also used as the gas object.


  • signer : <SuiAddress> - the transaction signer's Sui address
  • sui_object_id : <ObjectID> - the Sui coin object to be used in this transaction
  • gas_budget : <BigInt_for_uint64> - the gas budget, the transaction will fail if the gas cost exceed the budget
  • recipient : <SuiAddress> - the recipient's Sui address
  • amount : <BigInt_for_uint64> - the amount to be split out and transferred


  • TransactionBytes : <TransactionBytes>
    • gas : <[ObjectRef]> - the gas object to be used
    • inputObjects : <[InputObjectKind]> - objects to be used in this transaction
    • txBytes : <[Base64]> - BCS serialized transaction data bytes without its type tag, as base-64 encoded string.

Example Request and Result for unsafe_transferSui


curl --location '<project-id>' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"id": 1,
"method": "unsafe_transferSui",
"params": [


"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"result": {
"gas": [
"objectId": "0x003f9c0f533b4f72b38e4dfd90f26c29f052eb855ab8fb1912d20ac2e39ac3bc",
"version": 1089570,
"digest": "HUrDhmdBEtQW8LBAd2fdQrqznLedy16rPjME6WdZqCsG"
"inputObjects": [
"ImmOrOwnedMoveObject": {
"objectId": "0x003f9c0f533b4f72b38e4dfd90f26c29f052eb855ab8fb1912d20ac2e39ac3bc",
"version": 1089570,
"digest": "HUrDhmdBEtQW8LBAd2fdQrqznLedy16rPjME6WdZqCsG"
"id": 1