Return the latest SUI system state object on-chain.
Return the latest SUI system state object on-chain.
: <SuiSystemStateSummary>
- activeValidators :
- The list of active validators in the current epoch. - atRiskValidators :
- Map storing the number of epochs for which each validator has been below the low stake threshold. - epoch :
- The current epoch ID, starting from 0. - epochDurationMs :
- The duration of an epoch, in milliseconds. - epochStartTimestampMs :
- Unix timestamp of the current epoch start - inactivePoolsId :
- ID of the object that maps from a staking pool ID to the inactive validator that has that pool as its staking pool. - inactivePoolsSize :
- Number of inactive staking pools. - maxValidatorCount :
- Maximum number of active validators at any moment. We do not allow the number of validators in any epoch to go above this. - minValidatorJoiningStake :
- Lower-bound on the amount of stake required to become a validator. - pendingActiveValidatorsId :
- ID of the object that contains the list of new validators that will join at the end of the epoch. - pendingActiveValidatorsSize :
- Number of new validators that will join at the end of the epoch. - pendingRemovals :
- Removal requests from the validators. Each element is an index pointing to `active_validators`. - protocolVersion :
- The current protocol version, starting from 1. - referenceGasPrice :
- The reference gas price for the current epoch. - safeMode :
- Whether the system is running in a downgraded safe mode due to a non-recoverable bug. This is set whenever we failed to execute advance_epoch, and ended up executing advance_epoch_safe_mode. It can be reset once we are able to successfully execute advance_epoch. - safeModeComputationRewards :
- Amount of computation rewards accumulated (and not yet distributed) during safe mode. - safeModeNonRefundableStorageFee :
- Amount of non-refundable storage fee accumulated during safe mode. - safeModeStorageRebates :
- Amount of storage rebates accumulated (and not yet burned) during safe mode. - safeModeStorageRewards :
- Amount of storage rewards accumulated (and not yet distributed) during safe mode. - stakeSubsidyBalance :
- Balance of SUI set aside for stake subsidies that will be drawn down over time. - stakeSubsidyCurrentDistributionAmount :
- The amount of stake subsidy to be drawn down per epoch. This amount decays and decreases over time. - stakeSubsidyDecreaseRate :
- The rate at which the distribution amount decays at the end of each period. Expressed in basis points. - stakeSubsidyDistributionCounter :
- This counter may be different from the current epoch number if in some epochs we decide to skip the subsidy. - stakeSubsidyPeriodLength :
- Number of distributions to occur before the distribution amount decays. - stakeSubsidyStartEpoch :
- The starting epoch in which stake subsidies start being paid out - stakingPoolMappingsId :
- ID of the object that maps from staking pool's ID to the sui address of a validator. - stakingPoolMappingsSize :
- Number of staking pool mappings. - storageFundNonRefundableBalance :
- The non-refundable portion of the storage fund coming from storage reinvestment, non-refundable storage rebates and any leftover staking rewards. - storageFundTotalObjectStorageRebates :
- The storage rebates of all the objects on-chain stored in the storage fund. - systemStateVersion :
- The current version of the system state data structure type. - totalStake :
- Total amount of stake from all active validators at the beginning of the epoch. - validatorCandidatesId :
- ID of the object that stores preactive validators, mapping their addresses to their `Validator` structs. - validatorCandidatesSize :
- Number of preactive validators. - validatorLowStakeGracePeriod :
- A validator can have stake below `validator_low_stake_threshold` for this many epochs before being kicked out. - validatorLowStakeThreshold :
- Validators with stake amount below `validator_low_stake_threshold` are considered to have low stake and will be escorted out of the validator set after being below this threshold for more than `validator_low_stake_grace_period` number of epochs. - validatorReportRecords :
- A map storing the records of validator reporting each other. - validatorVeryLowStakeThreshold :
- Validators with stake below `validator_very_low_stake_threshold` will be removed immediately at epoch change, no grace period.
Example Request and Result for suix_getLatestSuiSystemState
curl --location '<project-id>' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"id": 1,
"method": "suix_getLatestSuiSystemState",
"params": [
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"result": {
"epoch": "767",
"protocolVersion": "6",
"systemStateVersion": "2",
"storageFundTotalObjectStorageRebates": "523696311407585",
"storageFundNonRefundableBalance": "20534443039894",
"referenceGasPrice": "1000",
"safeMode": false,
"safeModeStorageRewards": "0",
"safeModeComputationRewards": "0",
"safeModeStorageRebates": "0",
"safeModeNonRefundableStorageFee": "0",
"epochStartTimestampMs": "1682285932333",
"epochDurationMs": "86400000",
"stakeSubsidyStartEpoch": "20",
"maxValidatorCount": "150",
"minValidatorJoiningStake": "30000000000000000",
"validatorLowStakeThreshold": "20000000000000000",
"validatorVeryLowStakeThreshold": "15000000000000000",
"validatorLowStakeGracePeriod": "7",
"stakeSubsidyBalance": "976950000000000000",
"stakeSubsidyDistributionCounter": "25",
"stakeSubsidyCurrentDistributionAmount": "810000000000000",
"stakeSubsidyPeriodLength": "10",
"stakeSubsidyDecreaseRate": 1000,
"totalStake": "4898421081893495179",
"activeValidators": [
"suiAddress": "0x44b1b319e23495995fc837dafd28fc6af8b645edddff0fc1467f1ad631362c23",
"protocolPubkeyBytes": "gBJ8cMMnbAGi9dtt/tToqyXNsnxHNMpKeMNjOTpaPVe/lv17uYC3msT04XWR92rUBP9u2Zxv5PIJC4GiO1OiMY9kVb7/bFp5v+ENILso3sWLzY2VC/QmvGoPdVJRmD32",
"networkPubkeyBytes": "A0yziBvINOwJbJufZAbmHnQQ3NYRluC9OCRp2otBrJY=",
"workerPubkeyBytes": "hr8bhYmghKoyFtVptv61PMEBeYmVWheXPfwXYdVguBs=",
"proofOfPossessionBytes": "uQ86a3deTWSFYLlhXNsXIO8QwLM4MSECA9mue6a/hUoAi0TQvzXAKZov/pbi8wmy",
"name": "",
"description": "Building Web3",
"imageUrl": "",
"projectUrl": "",
"netAddress": "/dns/",
"p2pAddress": "/dns/",
"primaryAddress": "/dns/",
"workerAddress": "/dns/",
"nextEpochProtocolPubkeyBytes": null,
"nextEpochProofOfPossession": null,
"nextEpochNetworkPubkeyBytes": null,
"nextEpochWorkerPubkeyBytes": null,
"nextEpochNetAddress": null,
"nextEpochP2pAddress": null,
"nextEpochPrimaryAddress": null,
"nextEpochWorkerAddress": null,
"votingPower": "308",
"operationCapId": "0x27a70a250e59a5d6c5b36e2b3ea61d658fb94677fdaa86ae23f5314559bf7f0d",
"gasPrice": "460",
"commissionRate": "1000",
"nextEpochStake": "150860286698585409",
"nextEpochGasPrice": "460",
"nextEpochCommissionRate": "1000",
"stakingPoolId": "0xb18d20dc83a1f12ed33660455a8856c77e1049a7c36008e2c044bf35eba93115",
"stakingPoolActivationEpoch": "0",
"stakingPoolDeactivationEpoch": null,
"stakingPoolSuiBalance": "150860253809317526",
"rewardsPool": "649955773662615",
"poolTokenBalance": "150209819035520392",
"pendingStake": "41000000000",
"pendingTotalSuiWithdraw": "8110732117",
"pendingPoolTokenWithdraw": "8075762655",
"exchangeRatesId": "0x6d24e57f2a020d5519c7e49ee66d3feeb197f557c82a6f870dadf5ecf831ae65",
"exchangeRatesSize": "28"