
Get the contents of a transaction by the given transaction hash


  • transactionHash :(string) REQUIRED - The hash of the transaction


  • transactionHash: <string>- The hash of the transaction

  • transactionIndex: <integer> - The index of the transaction

  • blockHash : <string> - The hash of the block containing the transaction

  • blockNumber : <integer> - The height of the block containing the transaction

  • blockTimestamp : <string> - The timestamp of the block in which the transfer transaction was executed

  • fromAddress : <string> - The address executing the transaction

  • toAddress : <string> - The address on the receiving end of the transaction

  • nonce : <integer> - The number of transactions sent from the sender address

  • minerAddress : <string> - The address of the validator that mined the block

  • gasLimit : <string> - The maximum amount of gas you set for the transaction

  • gasPrice : <string> - The price per gas unit set for the transaction

  • gasUsed : <string> - The total amount paid for the transaction, a multiplication product of gasLimit and gasPrice

  • value : <string> - The value being transacted

  • contractAddress : <string> - The address of the contract

  • input : <string> - Additional data included for this transaction

  • status : <integer> - The status for the transaction

  • type : <integer> - The type of the transaction

Example Request and Result for getTransaction


curl --location '<project-id>/builder/getTransaction?transactionHash=0x61cd71ef9f4f62807d6c6ba124e2bfafde4db5778f6830df0b81794b8ed29aa7'


    "transactionHash": "0x61cd71ef9f4f62807d6c6ba124e2bfafde4db5778f6830df0b81794b8ed29aa7",
    "transactionIndex": 27,
    "blockHash": "0x248aac16904eb52e25ff4a594acbea314a216d5fc0968facb0c10366503aaab2",
    "blockNumber": 18375873,
    "blockTimestamp": "2023-10-18T07:51:59.000Z",
    "fromAddress": "0xf16e9b0d03470827a95cdfd0cb8a8a3b46969b91",
    "toAddress": "0x013062189dc3dcc99e9cee714c513033b8d99e3c",
    "nonce": 2096256,
    "minerAddress": "0x388c818ca8b9251b393131c08a736a67ccb19297",
    "gasLimit": "100000",
    "gasPrice": "7305248398",
    "gasUsed": "29640",
    "value": "0",
    "contractAddress": null,
    "input": "0xa9059cbb00000000000000000000000058edf78281334335effa23101bbe3371b6a36a510000000000000000000000000000000000000000000008d5df38fe835121a9cf",
    "status": 1,
    "type": 2

Last updated