POST getNFTBatch

Get data for multiple NFT contract address and token ID pairs.

How to use getNFTBatch method ?

Below, you'll find an in-depth guide that provides a comprehensive explanation of how to utilize the getNFTBatch method effectively using Blast.


Below, you can find the query parameters accepted by the method.


Example Request and Result for getNFTBatch

In this section, you can find an illustrative example of a request made to retrieve the data for multiple NFT contract address and tokenId pairs using the getNFTBatch method.

The example in this section uses a non-existing project id.

Make sure you replace it with your Starknet endpoint when issuing the Builder API calls.

Don't have a project id? Here's a straightforward guide on how to obtain one!

Returns NFT Objects data by contract address and token ID pairs.


Query Parameters

  "count": 1,
  "nfts": [
      "contractAddress": "0x05dbdedc203e92749e2e746e2d40a768d966bd243df04a6b712e222bc040a9af",
      "contractName": "",
      "contractSymbol": "ID",
      "contractType": "erc721",
      "tokenId": "497746562623",
      "minterAddress": "0x01878c0c399e4fb3bb295f3e33b264ad3848cffda061499698455a44a549014f",
      "mintBlockNumber": 630059,
      "mintTimestamp": 1712294912,
      "mintTransactionHash": "0x02b0fcd519b063d35e36c4b4cf0ee7ac7919eefe57484f59ca0c0dcb499d45f4",
      "numberOfTokens": "1",
      "numberOfOwners": "1",
      "ownerAddress": "0x01878c0c399e4fb3bb295f3e33b264ad3848cffda061499698455a44a549014f",
      "tokenUri": "",
      "tokenMetadata": "{\"name\":\"Starknet ID: 497746562623\",\"description\":\"This token represents an identity on StarkNet.\",\"image\":\"\",\"expiry\":null,\"attributes\":null}",
      "name": "Starknet ID: 497746562623",
      "description": "This token represents an identity on StarkNet.",
      "attributes": null,
      "externalLink": null,
      "imageUrl": "",
      "animationUrl": null,
      "cachedImage": null,
      "cachedThumbnail": null
curl -X POST<project-id>/builder/getNFTBatch? \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{"nftIds":[{"contractAddress":"0x05dbdedc203e92749e2e746e2d40a768d966bd243df04a6b712e222bc040a9af","tokenId":"497746562623"}]}' \

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