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description: Get collection data for multiple NFT contract addresses.

POST getNFTCollectionBatch

How to use getNFTCollectionBatch method ?

Below, you'll find an in-depth guide that provides a comprehensive explanation of how to utilize the getNFTCollectionBatch method effectively using Blast.


Below, you can find the query parameters accepted by the method.

contractAddress*array<string>The NFT contract addresses


countnumberNumber of records returned in the current page
contractAddressstringThe contract address of the NFT collection
contractNamestringThe contract name of the NFT collection
contractSymbolstringThe symbol of the NFT collection contract
contractTypestringThe type of contract governing the NFT collection

The block number at which the NFT collection contract was deployed

totalSupplystringThe total supply of NFTs in the collection.
numberOfOwnersnumberThe total number of unique owners of NFTs in the collection
numberOfDistinctTokensnumberThe number of unique NFTs (distinct tokens) within the collection
numberOfTransfers numberThe total number of transfers
walletBalanceNFTBalance object(optional)

The balance information associated with the owner of the collection (see getNFTCollectionBatch method for more details)


A description providing further details about the NFT collection, if available

websitestringThe website associated with the NFT collection, if available
cachedBannerCachedMedia object

An object containing cached banner media data for the collection, if available

cachedLogoCachedMedia object

An object containing cached logo media data for the collection, if available

Example Request and Result for getNFTCollectionBatch

In this section, you can find an illustrative example of a request made to retrieve the collection data for multiple NFT objects using the getNFTCollectionBatch method.


The example in this section uses a non-existing project id.

Make sure you replace it with your Starknet endpoint when issuing the Builder API calls.

Don't have a project id? Here's a straightforward guide on how to obtain one!

Returns array of NFTCollection objects


Query Parameters

"count": 2,
"collections": [
"contractAddress": "0x05dbdedc203e92749e2e746e2d40a768d966bd243df04a6b712e222bc040a9af",
"contractName": "",
"contractSymbol": "ID",
"contractType": "erc721",
"deployBlockNumber": 10553,
"totalSupply": "4316985",
"numberOfDistinctTokens": 4316957,
"numberOfOwners": 1681152,
"numberOfTransfers": 4612580,
"description": "Identity and naming service for #starknet Mint your identity and choose\nyour .stark domain now",
"website": "",
"cachedBanner": {
"mimetype": "image/png",
"size": 25233,
"url": ""
"cachedLogo": {
"mimetype": "image/png",
"size": 333150,
"url": ""
"contractAddress": "0x076503062d78f4481be03c9145022d6a4a71ec0719aa07756f79a2384dc7ef16",
"contractName": "Starknet Quest",
"contractSymbol": "SKQ",
"contractType": "erc721",
"deployBlockNumber": 49783,
"totalSupply": "2931421",
"numberOfDistinctTokens": 2931369,
"numberOfOwners": 613051,
"numberOfTransfers": 3066796,
"description": "Starknet Quest - The Collection of your Starknet achievements",
"website": "",
"cachedBanner": {
"mimetype": "image/png",
"size": 112592,
"url": ""
"cachedLogo": {
"mimetype": "image/png",
"size": 41804,
"url": ""
curl -X POST<project-id>/builder/getNFTCollectionBatch? \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \-d '{"contractAddresses":[{"contractAddress":"0x05dbdedc203e92749e2e746e2d40a768d966bd243df04a6b712e222bc040a9af"},{"contractAddress":"0x076503062d78f4481be03c9145022d6a4a71ec0719aa07756f79a2384dc7ef16"}]}' \