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Extend your Plan

Learn how to navigate the platform to add more time to your existing paid plan and take advantage of available discounts for longer-term extensions.


  • A compatible wallet for the blockchain network installed on your device, such as MetaMask browser extension or any wallet supporting the Wallet Connect protocol on your phone or laptop
  • An active paid plan (steps mentioned in this section)

Instructions on how to extend your plan:

If you already have a paid plan and you want to extend it for a certain amount of time you can follow the next steps:

  1. Navigate to My Plan page and click on the Extend plan button.

My plan page

  1. In the following step, you will be able to select the period in months that you wish the new plan to be extended for and confirm your purchase:

Keep in mind that you can maximize savings with our 10% and 25% discounts on 6 and 12-month plans!

Extend your plan modal

  1. A confirmation message will be displayed:

Confirmation message