Peer-to-peer technology allows Bitcoin to function without a central bank or authority. Instead, the network handles transaction processing and bitcoin issuance jointly. Because Bitcoin is open-source, everyone may participate, no one owns or controls it, and its design is available to all. Due to a number of its special characteristics, Bitcoin offers intriguing applications that were not possible with any other payment method.
List of the available methods:
- getbestblockhash
- getblock
- getblockchaininfo
- getblockcount
- getblockhash
- getblockheader
- getblockstats
- getdifficulty
- getmempoolancestors
- getmempooldescendants
- getmempoolinfo
- getrawmempool
- gettxout
- gettxoutproof
- chaintips
- getchaintxstats
- decoderawtransaction
- decodescript
- estimatesmartfee
- getconnectioncount
- getrawtransaction
- getindexinfo
- getmemoryinfo
- validateaddress
- verifymessage
- gettxoutsetinfo
- testmempoolaccept
- sendrawtransaction
- submitpackage