
Get 'LightClientBootstrap' structure for a requested block root.

Returns the LightClientBootstrap structure for a post-Altair beacon block root that is supplied. Either JSON or SSZ-serialized bytes may be returned, depending on the Accept header.

Results as specified in create_light_client_bootstrap SHOULD be provided by servers. The post state of the requested block must be known in order to complete a request.

Example Request and Result for /v1/beacon/light_client/bootstrap/{block_root}

In this section, we provide an illustrative example of a request made to retrieve details contents using the /v1/beacon/light_client/bootstrap/{block_root} endpoint. Additionally, we present the resulting response containing information about the bootstrap structure for a block root.





Block root. <hex encoded blockRoot with 0x prefix>.

The example in this section uses a non-existing project id.

Make sure you replace it with your Ethereum Holesky Beacon endpoint when issuing the API calls.

Don't have a project id? Here's a straightforward guide on how to obtain one!

Get 'LightClientBootstrap' structure for a requested block root.

GET https://eth-holesky-beacon.blastapi.io/<project-id>/eth/v1/beacon/light_client/bootstrap/<block_root>

Path Parameters





  "version": "capella",
  "data": {
    "header": {
      "slot": "935519",
      "proposer_index": "48486",
      "parent_root": "0xfd3947a80ade553abbb3d4a8febf24c81e485bc2d0d5600d48c0409242931070",
      "state_root": "0x6755c02465e3386e34a795f1d84692ddfb220e467faf54f6137b30be69cd3222",
      "body_root": "0xe401ec08c3479d2cf37866b2e91f871096a9f766d63c150404cc614da54c17df"
    "current_sync_committee": {
      "pubkeys": [
      "aggregate_pubkey": "0xb05ca0474c05ff907732042fb0f8fffd687622cc43a00f48873c376dc8f3db35eb3121b8b116ce8e18c64ed8230bac06"
    "current_sync_committee_branch": [

Curl Request example

curl -X 'GET' \
  'https://eth-holesky-beacon.blastapi.io/<project_id>/eth/v1/beacon/light_client/bootstrap/0x98de51e16d498beb3ba78c30b3083f72e229ceeac2b74cd7f8383c062d08b1a0' \
  -H 'accept: application/json'

Last updated