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POST /eth/v1/validator/beacon_committee_selections

Check whether a distributed validator has been chosen to combine the attestations.

This endpoint is implemented by a distributed validator middleware client and should be accessed by a validator client operating within a distributed validator cluster. To enable a validator client to accurately ascertain whether any of its validators has been chosen to carry out an attestation aggregation task during a slot, this API is used to exchange partial selection proofs for combined/aggregated selection proofs. In order to find all validators with attester tasks in the current and lookahead epochs, validator clients operating in a distributed validator cluster must access this endpoint at the beginning of each epoch. Consensus clients may return a 501 and are not required to provide this endpoint.

Example Request and Result for /v1/validator/beacon_committee_selections

In this section, we provide an illustrative example of a request made to retrieve details contents using the /v1/validator/beacon_committee_selections endpoint. Additionally, we present the resulting response containing information about checking if a distributed validator is selected to aggregate attestations.


  • none

The example in this section uses a non-existing project id.

Make sure you replace it with your Ethereum Holesky Beacon endpoint when issuing the API calls.

Don't have a project id? Here's a straightforward guide on how to obtain one!

Check whether a distributed validator has been chosen to combine the attestations.


"data": [
"validator_index": "1",
"slot": "1",
"selection_proof": "0x1b66ac1fb663c9bc59509846d6ec05345bd908eda73e670af888da41af171505cc411d61252fb6cb3fa0017b679f8bb2305b26a285fa2737f175668d0dff91cc1b66ac1fb663c9bc59509846d6ec05345bd908eda73e670af888da41af171505"

Curl Request example

curl -X 'POST' \
'<project-id>/eth/v1/validator/beacon_committee_selections' \
-H 'accept: application/json' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '[
"validator_index": "1",
"slot": "1",
"selection_proof": "0x1b66ac1fb663c9bc59509846d6ec05345bd908eda73e670af888da41af171505cc411d61252fb6cb3fa0017b679f8bb2305b26a285fa2737f175668d0dff91cc1b66ac1fb663c9bc59509846d6ec05345bd908eda73e670af888da41af171505"