
Get all incoming and outgoing ERC20 token transfers for the given wallet address in reverse chronological order (most recent first)


  • walletAddress :(string) REQUIRED - The address of the wallet

  • contractAddress :(string) OPTIONAL - The address of the ERC20 token contract

  • fromBlock : (string) OPTIONAL - Indicate the starting block from which to get the transfers

  • toBlock : (string) OPTIONAL - Indicate ending block up to which to get the transfers

  • secondWalletAddress: (integer) OPTIONAL - Filter transfers involving the given wallet address and a second address

  • onlyIncoming: (bolean) OPTIONAL - Return only incoming transfers

  • onlyOutgoing: (bolean) OPTIONAL - Return only outgoing transfers

  • pageSize : (integer) OPTIONAL - Number of records to be retrieved on one page

  • pageKey : (string) OPTIONAL - Key used to get the next page of results. Must be set to the value of nextPageKey returned in the previous response


  • walletAddress: <string> - The address of the wallet

  • count : <integer> - The number of allowances

  • nextPageKey: <string> - Key used to get the next page of results. Must be set to the value of nextPageKey returned in the previous response

  • tokenTransfers: <array> - The array of Token Transfer objects

    • contractAddress: <string> - The token contract address

    • contractDecimals : <string> - Token decimals specified in the contract

    • contractName: <string> - The name of the token

    • contractSymbols: <string> - The name of the token

    • fromAddress : <string> - Address from which the transfer originated

    • toAddress: <array> - Destination address for the transfer

    • value: <string> - Token amount

    • blockHash : <string> - The hash of the block

    • blockNumber : <integer> - The block height

    • blockTimestamp : <string> - The timestamp of the block

    • transactionHash: <string>- The hash of the transaction

    • transactionIndex: <integer> - The index of the transaction

    • logIndex : <integer> - The index of the log

Example Request and Result for getWalletTokenTransfers


curl --location '<project-id>/builder/getWalletTokenTransfers?walletAddress=0x58edF78281334335EfFa23101bBe3371b6a36A51&contractAddress=0xF411903cbC70a74d22900a5DE66A2dda66507255'


    "walletAddress": "0x58edf78281334335effa23101bbe3371b6a36a51",
    "count": 100,
    "nextPageKey": "NDE4ZmU0ZjU4ZDNhOjE2OTg3NjI5MDI6MTg0NjI1NDQ6OTYwMDAxNjkwMDAwMDA",
    "tokenTransfers": [
            "contractAddress": "0xf411903cbc70a74d22900a5de66a2dda66507255",
            "contractDecimals": "18",
            "contractName": "VERA",
            "contractSymbol": "VRA",
            "fromAddress": "0x4a48e7939558d97c806567a0f463baf5bcc39ad1",
            "toAddress": "0x58edf78281334335effa23101bbe3371b6a36a51",
            "value": "115633550000000000000000",
            "blockHash": "0x8a1ce1d83a2d08392b1d3c82399ca46c89fdd061613fc8a50894619fa8292b14",
            "blockNumber": 18469847,
            "blockTimestamp": "2023-10-31T11:35:47.000Z",
            "transactionHash": "0x42c65e1e013e6cf330814dc6e6a3328881050a6f71360b34720fe77c4b68df65",
            "transactionIndex": 121,
            "logIndex": 430
            "contractAddress": "0xf411903cbc70a74d22900a5de66a2dda66507255",
            "contractDecimals": "18",
            "contractName": "VERA",
            "contractSymbol": "VRA",
            "fromAddress": "0x999b3c530fd34f70d7abd90629447d300bf4b7f2",
            "toAddress": "0x58edf78281334335effa23101bbe3371b6a36a51",
            "value": "1890153550000000000000000",
            "blockHash": "0x8a1ce1d83a2d08392b1d3c82399ca46c89fdd061613fc8a50894619fa8292b14",
            "blockNumber": 18469847,
            "blockTimestamp": "2023-10-31T11:35:47.000Z",
            "transactionHash": "0x35c2e1597d8d9cb7a9fad2c24a4b9475ee86dddc58904a3347a596a206480c04",
            "transactionIndex": 120,
            "logIndex": 427

Last updated