
Gets the UTXOs that reference a given address.

The avax.getUTXOs command is used to obtain up to 1024 UTXOs that reference a given address.


        addresses: string,
        limit: int, //optional
        startIndex: { //optional
            address: string,
            utxo: string
        sourceChain: string,
        encoding: string, //optional
) ->
    numFetched: int,
    utxos: []string,
    endIndex: {
        address: string,
        utxo: string
  • utxos is a list of UTXOs for which each UTXO references at least one address in addresses.

  • At most limit UTXOs are returned. If limit is omitted or greater than 1024, it is set to 1024.

  • This method supports pagination. endIndex denotes the last UTXO returned. To get the next set of UTXOs, use the value of endIndex as startIndex in the next call.

  • If startIndex is omitted, the command will fetch all UTXOs up to limit.

  • When using pagination (ie when startIndex is provided), UTXOs are not guaranteed to be unique across multiple calls. That is, a UTXO may appear in the result of the first call, and then again in the second call.

  • When using pagination, consistency is not guaranteed across multiple calls. That is, the UTXO set of the addresses may have changed between calls.

  • encoding sets the format for the returned UTXOs. Can be either "cb58" or "hex". Defaults to "cb58".

Example Request and Result for avax.getUTXOs


curl -X POST --data '{
    "id"     :1,
    "method" :"avax.getUTXOs",
    "params" :{
        "sourceChain": "X",
        "startIndex": {
            "address": "C-avax1yzt57wd8me6xmy3t42lz8m5lg6yruy79m6whsf",
            "utxo": "22RXW7SWjBrrxu2vzDkd8uza7fuEmNpgbj58CxBob9UbP37HSB"
        "encoding": "cb58"
}' -H 'content-type:application/json;' https://ava-mainnet.blastapi.io/<project-id>/ext/bc/C/avax


    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "result": {
        "numFetched": "3",
        "utxos": [
        "endIndex": {
            "address": "C-avax1yzt57wd8me6xmy3t42lz8m5lg6yruy79m6whsf",
            "utxo": "27q6nsuvtyT4mvXVnQQAXw1YKoTxCow5Qm91GZ678TU1SvUiC2"
        "encoding": "cb58"
    "id": 1

Last updated