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These instructions will walk you through spinning up an EKS cluster and an RDS database in AWS using Terraform. Afterwards, we will use helm and Kubectl to deploy a Graph Node (+ other helper services) on top of them.



This AWS deployment guide, completed with examples can be found on the Klaytn Indexing repo published and deployed by Bware Labs


aws eks update-kubeconfig --name graph-indexer --region=us-west-2
  • Confirm kubectl is configured:
kubectl get pods --all-namespaces
  • In the helm directory, within the indexing repo, find the helm/values.yaml and fill in the following missing values (search for # UPDATE THE VALUE comments):
    • The database hostname was printed by the terraform apply command and by the aws rds describe-db-instances --region=us-west-2 command (the Address field)
    • The Klaytn network API endpoint should be something you have, otherwise you can contact the Bware Labs team at [email protected] and require a custom Klaytn node deployment.
  • Deploy the services to Kubernetes:
kubectl create -f
helm install graph-indexer . --create-namespace --namespace=graph-indexer
  • Confirm services were deployed:
helm list --all-namespaces
kubectl get pods --all-namespaces
  • Get the external IP of the Ingress controller:
kubectl get all -n ingress-controller
  • Navigate to the http://<EXTERNAL_IP>/subgraphs/graphql url in a browser to confirm it is working correctly

NOTE: : To destroy everything, simply run terraform destroy --auto-approve

NOTE: : You can now return to the root documentation and continue the guide.

(OPTIONAL) Making everything production-ready

NOTE: : The additional configuratios should go in After updating the terraform configs, you would have to run terraform init to start storing the state remotely.

  • Restrict network access
    • Modify the eks_management_ips variable in the infrastructure/aws/ file to only allow access from your network.
    • Modify the variable in the helm/values.yaml file to only allow access from your network.

NOTE: : After updating the configs you would have to run both terraform apply and helm upgrade graph-indexer . --namespace=graph-indexer to apply them.

  • The database credentials are currently stored in plain text.

    • Remove the default values of postgresql_admin_user and postgresql_admin_password from infrastructure/aws/
    • Define new values in a .tfvars file in the same directory like this:
    postgresql_admin_user = "<your-desired-username>"
    postgresql_admin_password = "<your-desired-password>"

    NOTE: : Do NOT commit .tfvars to source control.

    • Terraform apply the changes: terraform apply --auto-approve
    • Create a Kubernetes secret:
      kubectl create secret generic postgresql.credentials \
    --namespace=graph-indexer \
    --from-literal=username="<your-desired-username>" \
    • Update the Helm charts to use the new secret:

      • Remove the username and password variables from values.yaml
      • Edit deployment-index-node and deployment-query-node and replace this part:
          - name: postgres_user
      value: {{ index .Values.CustomValues "postgress" "indexer" "username" }}
      - name: postgres_pass
      value: {{ index .Values.CustomValues "postgress" "indexer" "password" }}


          - name: postgres_user
      name: postgresql.credentials
      key: username
      - name: postgres_pass
      name: postgresql.credentials
      key: password
    • Apply the changes: helm upgrade graph-indexer . --namespace=graph-indexer

  • Configure a DNS entry and set up certificates for the kubernetes nginx-ingress:

NOTE: : We already have an nginx-ingress deployed, just configure DOMAIN_NAME when you get to that step.

NOTE: : Consider creating Terraform resources for the new IAM resources and Helm configurations for the external-dns pod.

  • For monitoring:

    • A prometheus node which scrapes metrics from indexer nodes is available at http://<EXTERNAL_IP>/prometheus/graph. You could configure it as a data source in Grafana Cloud. Follow the instructions in this guide.
    • An alertmanager node is available at http://<EXTERNAL_IP>/alertmanager. You could configure it to send Prometheus alerts to Pagerduty.

    NOTE: : Consider storing the Pagerduty API key in a Kubernetes secret.

NOTE: : You have to run helm upgrade graph-indexer . --namespace=graph-indexer to apply the changes.