
Returns non-fungible/semi-fungible/meta-esdt collection details


  • collection : REQUIRED (string) - The information about the NFT or SFT, like picture traits or tags for your NFT/collection


  • collection : (string) - Represents additional information about the NFT or SFT, like picture traits or tags for your NFT/collection. The field should follow a metadata:ipfsCID/fileName.json;tags:tag1,tag2,tag3 format

  • type : (string) - Enum [NonFungibleESDT, SemiFungibleESDT, MetaESDT]

  • name : (string) - The username specific for this account

  • ticker : (string) - a random string starts with “-” and has 6 more random characters

  • owner : (string) - the owner's address

  • timestamp : (number) - u64 format

  • canFreeze: (boolean) - The token manager may freeze the token balance in a specific account, preventing transfers to and from that account - default value: false

  • canWipe: (boolean) - The token manager may wipe out the tokens held by a frozen account, reducing the supply - default value: false

  • canPause: (boolean) - The token manager may prevent all transactions of the token, apart from minting and burning - default value: false

  • _canTransferNFTCreateRole _ : (boolean) - The addresses with the transfer role can transfer anywhere

  • decimals: (number) - the number of decimals in order to display balance

  • assets :

    • website : (string)

    • description : (string)

    • status : active/inactive

    • pngUrl : (string)

    • svgUrl : (string)

    • lockedAccounts : (array[string])

    • extraTokens : (array[string])

  • roles :

    • address: (string) Account bech32 address

    • canCreate : (boolean) - This role allows one to create

    • canBurn: (boolean) - Users may "burn" some of their tokens, reducing the supply - default value: false

    • canAddQuantity : (boolean) - This role allows one to add quantity of a specific SFT

    • canUpdateAttributes : (boolean) - This role allows one to change the attributes of a specific NFT

    • canAddUri : (boolean) - This role allows one add URIs for a specific NFT

    • canTransferRole : (boolean) - this role enables transfer only to specified addresses

    • roles : (array[string]) - the list of roles



curl -X 'GET' \
  'https://elrond-api.public.blastapi.io/collections/ARCRACING-bcdf83' \
  -H 'accept: application/json'


  "collection": "ARCRACING-bcdf83",
  "type": "NonFungibleESDT",
  "name": "ARCRacing",
  "ticker": "ARCRACING-bcdf83",
  "owner": "erd1qqqqqqqqqqqqqpgq9m2c2xhukgkx4u56yne7l2yx5yvstvd8ys5s20ne4m",
  "timestamp": 1661507550,
  "canFreeze": false,
  "canWipe": false,
  "canPause": false,
  "canTransferNftCreateRole": false,
  "roles": [
      "address": "erd1qqqqqqqqqqqqqpgq9m2c2xhukgkx4u56yne7l2yx5yvstvd8ys5s20ne4m",
      "canCreate": true,
      "canBurn": false,
      "canAddQuantity": false,
      "canUpdateAttributes": false,
      "canAddUri": false,
      "canTransferRole": false,
      "roles": [

Last updated