
List the current validators of the given Subnet.

The top level field delegators was deprecated as of v1.0.1, and removed in v1.0.6. Instead, each element of validators now contains the list of delegators for that validator.


    subnetID: string, //optional
    nodeIDs: string[], //optional
}) -> {
    validators: []{
        txID: string,
        startTime: string,
        endTime: string,
        stakeAmount: string, //optional
        nodeID: string,
        weight: string, //optional
        rewardOwner: {
            locktime: string,
            threshold: string,
            addresses: string[]
        potentialReward: string,
        delegationFee: string,
        uptime: string,
        connected: bool,
        delegators: []{
            txID: string,
            startTime: string,
            endTime: string,
            stakeAmount: string, //optional
            nodeID: string,
            rewardOwner: {
                locktime: string,
                threshold: string,
                addresses: string[]
            potentialReward: string,

  • subnetID is the subnet whose current validators are returned. If omitted, returns the current validators of the Primary Network.

  • nodeIDs is a list of the nodeIDs of current validators to request. If omitted, all current validators are returned. If a specified nodeID is not in the set of current validators, it will not be included in the response.

  • validators:

    • txID is the validator transaction.

    • startTime is the Unix time when the validator starts validating the Subnet.

    • endTime is the Unix time when the validator stops validating the Subnet.

    • stakeAmount is the amount of nAVAX this validator staked. Omitted if subnetID is not the Primary Network.

    • nodeID is the validator’s node ID.

    • weight is the validator’s weight when sampling validators. Omitted if subnetID is the Primary Network.

    • rewardOwner is an OutputOwners output which includes locktime, threshold and array of addresses.

    • potentialReward is the potential reward earned from staking

    • delegationFeeRate is the percent fee this validator charges when others delegate stake to them.

    • uptime is the % of time the queried node has reported the peer as online.

    • connected is if the node is connected to the network

    • delegators is the list of delegators to this validator:

      • txID is the delegator transaction.

      • startTime is the Unix time when the delegator started.

      • endTime is the Unix time when the delegator stops.

      • stakeAmount is the amount of nAVAX this delegator staked. Omitted if subnetID is not the Primary Network.

      • nodeID is the validating node’s node ID.

      • rewardOwner is an OutputOwners output which includes locktime, threshold and array of addresses.

      • potentialReward is the potential reward earned from staking

  • delegators: (deprecated as of v1.0.1. See note at top of method documentation.)



curl -X POST --data '{
    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "method": "platform.getCurrentValidators",
    "params": {},
    "id": 1
}' -H 'content-type:application/json;'<project-id>/ext/P

Last updated