POST /transactions

Posts a signed transaction on the blockchain


  • chainId : (number)

  • dataOPTIONAL (string)

  • gasLimit : (number) - The maximum number of gas units allocated for the transaction

  • gasPrice : (number) - The gas price to be used in the scope of the transaction

  • nonce: (number) - The account sequence number

  • sender OPTIONAL : (string) - Address of the transaction sender

  • receiver OPTIONAL : (string) - Address of the transaction receiver

  • signature : (string)- The Signature (hex-encoded) of the Transaction

  • value : (string) - value amount

  • version : (number) - version value


  • receiver: (string) - The address of the receiver (bech32 format)

  • receiverShard : (number) - The shard ID allocated to the receiver

  • sender : (string) - The address of the sender (bech32 format)

  • senderShard : (number) - The shard ID allocated to the sender

  • status : (string) - Transaction status (success or executed, invalid, pending, partially-executed, received, failed)

  • txHash : (string) - The hash of the transaction



curl -X 'POST' \
  'https://' \
  -H 'accept: application/json' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -d '{
  "chainId": "2",
  "data": "string",
  "gasLimit": 0.01,
  "gasPrice": 0.01,
  "nonce": 2,
  "receiver": "erd1qqqqqqqqqqqqqpgqhe8t5jewej70zupmh44jurgn29psua5l2jps3ntjj3",
  "sender": "erd1te7tsja33s33dtgyga29m7jv6h7wuln96ptfjuu5gw0z2cvjgx6sn8qutd",
  "signature": "d50cc7121f93c28b566ce604221f1f3cd6cfc177dbecce97716a9f03eb0cdd4b5473ce094cef02ad995e75f6718627d3aae4e4b0e5bbfaf27d6b8d279cd64e05",
  "value": "15",
  "version": 0


  "receiver": "string",
  "receiverShard": 0,
  "sender": "string",
  "senderShard": 0,
  "status": "string",
  "txHash": "string"

Last updated