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Returns both transfers triggerred by a user account (type = Transaction), as well as transfers triggerred by smart contracts (type = SmartContractResult), thus providing a full picture of all in/out value transfers for a given account


  • from OPTIONAL (string) - Number of items to skip for the result set
  • sizeOPTIONAL (string) - Number of items to retrieve
  • sender OPTIONAL : (string) - Address of the transaction sender
  • receiver OPTIONAL : (string) - Address of the transaction receiver
  • token OPTIONAL : (string) - Identifier of the token
  • senderShard OPTIONAL : (number) - Id of the shard the sender address belongs to
  • receiverShard OPTIONAL : (number) - Id of the shard the receiver address belongs to
  • miniBlockHash OPTIONAL : (string) - Filter by miniblock hash
  • hashes OPTIONAL : (array[string]) - Filter by a comma-separated list of transaction hashes
  • status OPTIONAL : (string) - Status of the transaction (success / pending / invalid / fail)
  • search OPTIONAL : (string) - Search in data object
  • before OPTIONAL : (number) - Before timestamp
  • after OPTIONAL : (number) - After timestamp
  • order OPTIONAL : (string) - Sort order (asc/desc)


  • txHash : (string) - The hash of the transaction
  • gasLimit : (number) - The maximum number of gas units allocated for the transaction
  • gasPrice : (number) - The gas price to be used in the scope of the transaction
  • gasUsed : (number) - Is the consumed amount from the provided gas limit - the amount of gas units actually required by the Network in order to process the transaction
  • miniBlockHash : (string) - Contains all transactions that have either the sender in the current shard and the receiver in another shard or the sender in a different shard and the destination in the current shard
  • nonce: (number) - The account sequence number
  • receiver: (string) - The address of the receiver (bech32 format)
  • receiverAssets: (object)
  • receiverShard : (number) - The shard ID allocated to the receiver
  • round: (number) - fixed time duration, consistent across the network, currently decided to be 5 seconds
  • sender : (string) - The address of the sender (bech32 format)
  • senderAssets : (object)
  • senderShard : (number) - The shard ID allocated to the sender
  • signature : (string)- The Signature (hex-encoded) of the Transaction
  • status : (string) - Transaction status (success or executed, invalid, pending, partially-executed, received, failed)
  • value : (string) - The Value to transfer, as a string representation of a Big Integer (can be "0"), EGLD times denomination
  • fee : (string) - Measured in EGLD, is computed with respect to the actual gas cost - broken down into its components - and the gas price per gas unit, which differs between the components
  • timestamp : (number) - u64 format
  • data : (string) - Arbitrary information about the transaction, base64-encoded
  • function: (string)
  • action: (object)
    • category: (string)
    • name : (string)
    • description: (string)
    • arguments: (object)
  • scamInfo: (object)
    • type: (string)
    • info: (sgtring)
  • type : (string)
  • originalTxHash : (string)
  • pendingResults : (boolean)



curl -X 'GET' \
'' \
-H 'accept: application/json'


"txHash": "2466a1a0deec5e717e7b1273d30892eb2165205c6741044302516eecc50baa49",
"gasLimit": 10000000,
"gasPrice": 1000000000,
"gasUsed": 7522431,
"miniBlockHash": "16475f1b0a4b00bd95eb98f5747b4211385757ac7800302330ba15d47f232c6a",
"nonce": 798,
"receiver": "erd1qqqqqqqqqqqqqpgq5sjx4ksz4n364nf0khq7gy4pr2x80wpk5yas6datym",
"receiverShard": 1,
"round": 10940038,
"sender": "erd1kzqsz927u9smz4y7wqc7v3cc5w6n7m0zcveg59twt6y44x00wn6sun45pa",
"senderShard": 1,
"signature": "601e7b5db0c0fdebc65f70c316fbdabba1b9dcd75b80d9a2721b79a0e95deba32ac4932e84919bc9f92a7f93d5ece9435a6d10c509f17b359edb47296a928001",
"status": "success",
"value": "0",
"fee": "144029310000000",
"timestamp": 1661757828,
"data": "Y2xhaW1fcmV3YXJkcw==",
"function": "claim_rewards",
"action": {
"category": "scCall",
"name": "claim_rewards"
"type": "Transaction"