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Returns smart contract details for a given hash


  • scHash REQUIRED (number) - Number of items to skip for the result set


  • hash : (string) - The hash of the transaction
  • timestamp : (number)- u64 format
  • nonce: (number) - The account sequence number
  • gasLimit : (number) - The maximum number of gas units allocated for the transaction
  • gasPrice : (number) - The gas price to be used in the scope of the transaction
  • value : (string) - The Value to transfer, as a string representation of a Big Integer (can be "0"), EGLD times denomination
  • sender : (string) - The address of the sender (bech32 format)
  • senderAssets : (object)
  • receiver: (string) - The address of the receiver (bech32 format)
  • receiverAssets: (object)
  • relayedValue: (number)
  • data : (string) - Arbitrary information about the transaction, base64-encoded
  • prevTxHash : (string) - previous hash of the transaction
  • originalTxHash : (string) - current hash of the transaction
  • callType : (string)
  • miniBlockHash : (string) - Contains all transactions that have either the sender in the current shard and the receiver in another shard or the sender in a different shard and the destination in the current shard
  • Logs : (object{})
    • address : (string)
    • addressAssets : (object{})
    • events : (array[string])
  • returnMessage : (string)
  • action: (object)
    • category: (string)
    • name : (string)
    • description: (string)
    • arguments: (object)



curl -X 'GET' \
' \
-H 'accept: application/json'


"hash": "ac73f152b4310077add529558d5b83c468edb91bd18ba2f680cfc03abcadf46d",
"timestamp": 1661248062,
"nonce": 0,
"gasLimit": 9429000,
"gasPrice": 1000000000,
"value": "0",
"sender": "erd10pr9x7jw2a4vp4nq0ru7j46e6yc3apw2ahw78f2nqp2l3fmuz0jqwsvcjm",
"receiver": "erd1qqqqqqqqqqqqqpgqawkm2tlyyz6vtg02fcr5w02dyejp8yrw0y8qlucnj2",
"prevTxHash": "2755416806539c8fd0d8fd09928f6d209069a064d1d351c15f8614be1bf2d779",
"originalTxHash": "2755416806539c8fd0d8fd09928f6d209069a064d1d351c15f8614be1bf2d779",
"callType": "0",
"miniBlockHash": "98b667cf052ec1212d007b3fa67eacb804b863562c44c45708308e234890d399",
"action": {
"category": "esdtNft",
"name": "transfer",
"description": "Transfer",
"arguments": {
"transfers": [
"type": "MetaESDT",
"name": "LockedMEX",
"ticker": "LKMEX",
"svgUrl": "",
"collection": "LKMEX-aab910",
"decimals": 18,
"identifier": "LKMEX-aab910-40aa2b",
"value": "138198257610000000000000000"
"receiver": "erd1qqqqqqqqqqqqqpgqawkm2tlyyz6vtg02fcr5w02dyejp8yrw0y8qlucnj2",
"functionName": "create_offer",
"functionArgs": [