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Returns details about a specific node for a given bls key


  • bls REQUIRED (string) - bls key


  • bls: (string) - bls key
  • name : (string) - The username specific for this account
  • version : (string) - version value
  • rating : (number) - rating value
  • tempRating : (number)
  • ratingModifier : (number)
  • shard : (number) - shard number
  • type : (string) - Enum
  • status : (string) - Enum [new, unknown, waiting, eligible, jailed, queued, leaving, inactive]
  • online :(boolean) - Whether node is online or not
  • nonce: (number) Account current nonce
  • instances : (number)
  • owner : (string) - collection owner
  • identity : (string)
  • provider : (string)
  • issues : (array[string])
  • stake : (number) - stake value
  • topUp : (number) - topUp value
  • locked : (number) - locked amount
  • leaderFailure : (number)
  • leaderSuccess : (number)
  • validatorFailure : (number)
  • validatorIgnoredSignatures : (number)
  • validatorSuccess: (number)
  • position : (number)
  • auctioned : (number)
  • auctionPosition : (number)
  • auctionTopUp : (string)
  • auctionSelected: (boolean)
  • fullHistory : (boolean)



curl -X 'GET' \
'' \
-H 'accept: application/json'


"bls": "fab289671090272039f172d1721c90ed889d0477cd8cecb23d294c0dd3e1eb61a8faca8e1e7a0a243cac141920ead60ac5f37b5b3e926801af3f2569e78bb50f699747ed2f5e305580347ad37367575b432ed2865fd50c13fa14fdb24c3b3a05",
"name": "elrond-mainnet-metachain",
"version": "v1.3.36.0",
"ratingModifier": 0,
"shard": 4294967295,
"type": "observer",
"online": true,
"nonce": 10924222,
"instances": 1,
"position": 0,
"fullHistory": true