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Returns non-fungible/semi-fungible/meta-esdt tokens that belong to a collection


  • collection : REQUIRED (string) - The information about the NFT or SFT, like picture traits or tags for your NFT/collection
  • from OPTIONAL (number) - Number of items to skip for the result set
  • size OPTIONAL (number) - Number of items to retrieve
  • search OPTIONAL (string) - Search by collection identifier
  • identifiersOPTIONAL (array[string]) - Search by collection identifiers, comma-separated
  • name OPTIONAL (string) - Get all nfts by name
  • tags : (array[string]) - Filter by one or more comma-separated tags
  • creatorDEPRECATED (string) - Filter collections where the given address has a creator role
  • isWhitelistedStorage OPTIONAL : (boolean) - Return all NFTs that are whitelisted in storage
  • hasUris OPTIONAL : (boolean) - Return all NFTs that have one or more uris
  • withOwnerOPTIONAL (boolean) - Return owner where type = NonFungibleESDT
  • withsupplyOPTIONAL (boolean) - Return supply where type = SemiFungibleESDT
  • withScamInfo REQUIRED (boolean)
  • computeScamInfo REQUIRED (boolean)


  • identifier: (string) - token identifier
  • collection : (string) - Represents additional information about the NFT or SFT, like picture traits or tags for your NFT/collection. The field should follow a metadata:ipfsCID/fileName.json;tags:tag1,tag2,tag3 format
  • timestamp : (number) - u64 format
  • attributes : (string) - raw bytes where any data can be stored
  • nonce: (number) - NFT/SFT token nonce
  • type : (string) - Enum [NonFungibleESDT, SemiFungibleESDT, MetaESDT]
  • name: (string) - The username specific for this account
  • creator : (string) - address of the account that created the NFT
  • royalties : (number) - a proportion out of 10000 that represents what percentage of an NFT sell price should be transferred to the creator. This is not enforced by the protocol or Mandos in any way
  • uris : (array[string]) - a list of URIs associated to the NFT/SFT
  • url : (string) - the URL associated to the NFT/SFT
  • media : (array[string])
    • url : (string)
    • filesize : (number)
    • filetype : (string)
    • originalUrl : (string)
    • thumbnailUrl : (string)
  • isWhitelistedStorage : (boolean)
  • thumbnailUrl : (string)
  • tags : (array[string])
  • metadata:
    • description : (string)
    • fileType : (string) - The type of the file
    • fileUri : (string) - The Uri of the file
    • fileName : (string) - the name of the file
  • owner: (string) - the owner's address
  • balance : (number) - Account current balance
  • supply : (number)
  • decimals: (number) - the number of decimals in order to display balance
  • assets :
    • website : (string)
    • description : (string)
    • status : active/inactive
    • pngUrl : (string)
    • svgUrl : (string)
    • lockedAccounts : (array[string])
    • extraTokens : (array[string])
  • ticker: (string) - a random string starts with “-” and has 6 more random characters
  • scaminfo:
    • scam : (string)
    • info : (string)
  • score : (number)
  • rank : (number)
  • unlockSchedule : (object)
    • remainingEpochs : (number)
    • percent : (number)



curl -X 'GET' \
'' \
-H 'accept: application/json'


"identifier": "ARCRACING-bcdf83-07",
"collection": "ARCRACING-bcdf83",
"timestamp": 1661507748,
"attributes": "dGFnczpyYWxseSBjaGFtcGlvbnNoaXAgbW90b3JzcG9ydCBhcmMgc2ViYXN0aWFuX2JhcmJ1IGJvZ2Rhbl9pYW5jdTttZXRhZGF0YTpRbVJYdldwUDZGOGJObTFkejlnWkExSmpjM0hNeVBMMlU4ODlrWG9CbUpIcnFhLzEuanNvbg==",
"nonce": 7,
"type": "NonFungibleESDT",
"name": "ARC Racing #7",
"creator": "erd1qqqqqqqqqqqqqpgq9m2c2xhukgkx4u56yne7l2yx5yvstvd8ys5s20ne4m",
"royalties": 10,
"uris": [
"url": "",
"media": [
"url": "",
"originalUrl": "",
"thumbnailUrl": "",
"fileType": "image/jpeg",
"fileSize": 1410005
"isWhitelistedStorage": true,
"tags": [
"rally championship motorsport arc sebastian_barbu bogdan_iancu"
"metadata": {
"description": "A hand on the girlfriend: Meet Sebastian Barbu, the exceptional rally pilot, who breathes confidence from every pore.",
"attributes": [
"trait_type": "Pencil Drawing",
"value": "100"
"rarity": {
"avgRarity": 1,
"statRarity": 1,
"rarityScore": 1,
"rarityScoreNormed": 1,
"usedTraitsCount": 1
"compiler": "Trust Staking"
"ticker": "ARCRACING-bcdf83",
"isNsfw": false
"identifier": "ARCRACING-bcdf83-06",
"collection": "ARCRACING-bcdf83",
"timestamp": 1661507748,
"attributes": "dGFnczpyYWxseSBjaGFtcGlvbnNoaXAgbW90b3JzcG9ydCBhcmMgc2ViYXN0aWFuX2JhcmJ1IGJvZ2Rhbl9pYW5jdTttZXRhZGF0YTpRbVJYdldwUDZGOGJObTFkejlnWkExSmpjM0hNeVBMMlU4ODlrWG9CbUpIcnFhLzMuanNvbg==",
"nonce": 6,
"type": "NonFungibleESDT",
"name": "ARC Racing #6",
"creator": "erd1qqqqqqqqqqqqqpgq9m2c2xhukgkx4u56yne7l2yx5yvstvd8ys5s20ne4m",
"royalties": 10,
"uris": [
"url": "",
"media": [
"url": "",
"originalUrl": "",
"thumbnailUrl": "",
"fileType": "image/jpeg",
"fileSize": 1003256
"isWhitelistedStorage": true,
"tags": [
"rally championship motorsport arc sebastian_barbu bogdan_iancu"
"metadata": {
"description": "We ARC the champions: Always ready for winning the race, 'cause we ARC the champs!",
"attributes": [
"trait_type": "Pencil Drawing",
"value": "100"
"rarity": {
"avgRarity": 1,
"statRarity": 1,
"rarityScore": 1,
"rarityScoreNormed": 1,
"usedTraitsCount": 1
"compiler": "Trust Staking"
"ticker": "ARCRACING-bcdf83"